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How to Clean Your Sports Mouth Guard

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Sports enthusiasts understand the importance of protecting their teeth and jaws during physical activities. A well-fitted sports mouthguard is a crucial accessory, but it’s equally vital to keep it clean and free from harmful bacteria.

Neglecting the cleanliness of your mouth guard can have serious consequences, ranging from oral health issues to unpleasant odors.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to properly clean your sports mouth guard and ensure it serves its purpose effectively.

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Why Cleaning Your Sports Mouth Guard Is Crucial

Your sports mouth guard may look harmless, but it’s a breeding ground for bacteria if not cleaned regularly. The warm and moist environment inside your mouth provides an ideal setting for microbial growth. Here are a few reasons why cleaning your mouth guard is non-negotiable:

Risk of Infections

Bacteria, fungi, and viruses can thrive on your mouth guard’s surface. When you wear it, these microbes can enter your body, potentially causing infections or illnesses.

Oral Health Issues

Dirty mouthguards can lead to oral health problems such as gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. Your mouth deserves better care.

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Daily Cleaning Routine

Maintaining a clean sports mouth guard is an essential part of your oral hygiene and overall well-being, especially if you wear it regularly. A daily cleaning routine ensures that your mouth guard is free from harmful bacteria, debris, and unpleasant odors. Here’s a step-by-step guide for your daily cleaning routine:

Step 1: Rinse Thoroughly

After each use of your sports mouthguard, the first and crucial step is to rinse it thoroughly. Follow these steps:

  • Remove Your Mouth Guard: Gently remove your mouth guard from your mouth, taking care not to damage it.
  • Use Cool Tap Water: Hold the mouth guard under a stream of cool tap water. The water should be at a temperature that is comfortable for your hands and mouth.
  • Rinse All Sides: Ensure you rinse all sides of the mouth guard, including the outer and inner surfaces. This helps remove saliva, loose debris, and any remaining sports drink or food particles.
  • Avoid Hot Water: Avoid using hot water for rinsing, as it can distort the shape of the mouth guard.

Step 2: Brush Gently

Once you’ve rinsed your mouth guard, the next step is to gently brush it to remove any remaining residue. Here’s what to do:

  • Choose a Soft Toothbrush: Select a soft-bristle toothbrush that you dedicate exclusively to cleaning your mouth guard. Using a soft toothbrush helps prevent scratches or damage to the mouth guard’s surface.
  • Use Mild Toothpaste: Apply a small amount of mild, non-abrasive toothpaste to the toothbrush. Avoid toothpaste that contains abrasive compounds, as they can damage the mouth guard’s material.
  • Brush All Surfaces: Gently brush all surfaces of the mouth guard, including the top, bottom, and sides. Pay extra attention to any areas with visible stains or debris.
  • Rinse Again: After brushing, rinse the mouth guard thoroughly with cool, clean water to remove toothpaste residue and any loosened particles.

Step 3: Air Dry

Proper drying is essential to prevent bacterial growth and maintain the integrity of your mouth guard. Follow these steps:

  • Shake Off Excess Water: Gently shake the mouth guard to remove excess water droplets.
  • Avoid Towels or Tissues: Do not use towels, tissues, or any cloth material to dry the mouth guard, as they can introduce contaminants or leave behind fibers.
  • Air Dry: Place the mouth guard in a clean, well-ventilated area to air dry naturally. It’s best to use a dedicated mouth guard case with ventilation holes or a mesh container to allow for proper airflow.
  • Keep Away from Direct Sunlight: Avoid leaving your mouth guard in direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure to UV rays can degrade the material.

Step 4: Store Properly

The final step in your daily cleaning routine is to store your mouth guard correctly:

  • Use a Dedicated Case: Always store your mouth guard in a dedicated, clean case designed for this purpose. A well-ventilated case helps prevent bacterial growth and maintains the mouth guard’s hygiene.
  • Avoid Closed Containers: Never store your mouth guard in a closed, airtight container or plastic bag, as this can promote bacterial proliferation.
  • Keep Away from Heat: Store your mouth guard at room temperature and away from sources of heat or direct sunlight.

By following this daily cleaning routine diligently, you can ensure that your sports mouth guard remains clean, odor-free, and safe for your oral health. Regular cleaning not only enhances your comfort but also extends the lifespan of your mouthguard, allowing you to continue enjoying your sports and physical activities with confidence.

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Deep Cleaning Methods

While daily cleaning routines are essential for maintaining your sports mouth guard, periodically performing deep cleaning is equally crucial.

Deep cleaning ensures that you eliminate hidden germs, stubborn stains, and any accumulated residue that daily maintenance might not entirely remove. Here are some effective deep-cleaning methods to keep your sports mouth guard in pristine condition:

Soak in an Antiseptic Solution

One of the most straightforward yet effective methods of deep cleaning your sports mouth guard is by soaking it in an antiseptic solution. Choose an alcohol-free antiseptic mouthwash, as alcohol can potentially damage the mouth guard material.

  • To use this method, fill a container with enough mouthwash to submerge the mouthguard fully.
  • Place the mouth guard in the solution and allow it to soak for the recommended time specified on the mouthwash label, typically about 15 to 30 minutes.
  • After soaking, remove the mouth guard and rinse it thoroughly with cool, clean water to ensure all traces of the mouthwash are removed.
  • Let the mouth guard air dry completely before storing it in its case.

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath

  • Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent option for deep cleaning your mouth guard. It helps to disinfect and remove stains effectively without harming the mouth guard material.
  • Create a solution by mixing equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and lukewarm water in a container.
  • Submerge the mouth guard in this solution and let it soak for about 30 minutes. Ensure that all parts of the mouth guard are fully immersed.
  • After soaking, remove the mouth guard and rinse it thoroughly under cool running water to remove any residual hydrogen peroxide.
  • Allow the mouth guard to air dry completely before storing it.

Baking Soda Paste

  • Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that can help remove stubborn stains and bacteria from your mouth guard without causing any damage.
  • To create a baking soda paste, mix baking soda with a small amount of water in a bowl until it forms a thick, spreadable consistency.
  • Gently apply the paste to the surface of the mouth guard, using a soft toothbrush or your fingertip.
  • Carefully scrub all areas of the mouth guard, paying extra attention to any stained or discolored spots.
  • After scrubbing, rinse the mouth guard thoroughly with cool water to remove all traces of baking soda.
  • Allow it to air dry completely before storing it in its designated case.

Denture Cleaning Tablets

  • Denture cleaning tablets, designed for dentures and retainers, can also be used effectively to deep clean your sports mouth guard.
  • Fill a container or glass with warm water and drop in a denture cleaning tablet as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Place your mouth guard in the solution and let it soak for the recommended duration, which is usually around 15-30 minutes.
  • After soaking, remove the mouth guard and rinse it thoroughly with clean, cool water.
  • Ensure it’s completely dry before storing it in its case.

By periodically employing these deep cleaning methods in addition to your daily cleaning routine, you can maintain the hygiene and longevity of your sports mouth guard effectively. A clean mouth guard not only ensures better oral health but also enhances your overall comfort and performance during sports and physical activities.

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Preventing Bacterial Growth

Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your mouth guard clean and safe:

Rinse Before and After Use

Rinse your mouth before inserting your mouth guard and repeat the process after removal to minimize bacteria transfer.

Avoid Chewing on Your Mouth Guard

Chewing on your mouth guard can create small crevices where bacteria can hide. Use it only for its intended purpose.

Regularly Replace the Case

If you use a storage case, make sure to replace it periodically, as it can also harbor bacteria.

How Often Should You Clean Your Mouth Guard

The frequency at which you should clean your sports mouth guard largely depends on how often you use it. Proper maintenance ensures not only your oral health but also the longevity and effectiveness of the mouth guard. Let’s delve into the recommended cleaning schedules based on various usage patterns:

Daily Users:

Daily users of sports mouth guards are those individuals who rely on their mouth guards regularly, often as a part of their daily exercise or sports routine. For this category of users, it’s paramount to maintain a high level of cleanliness. Here’s how often you should clean your mouth guard:

  • Daily Cleaning: After each use, it’s essential to engage in a daily cleaning routine as described earlier in this guide. Rinse your mouth guard thoroughly with cool water to remove saliva and debris. Gently brush it using a soft toothbrush and mild toothpaste. Allow it to air dry before storing it. This daily cleaning helps ensure that your mouth guard remains in pristine condition for every use.
  • Deep Cleaning: In addition to daily cleaning, deep cleaning should be performed at least once a week. This more intensive cleaning removes any lingering bacteria and provides a comprehensive cleanse. You can choose from the deep cleaning methods outlined earlier, such as soaking it in an antiseptic solution or using a baking soda paste. The goal is to ensure that your mouth guard is free from microbial buildup and stains.

Occasional Users:

Occasional users of sports mouth guards typically wear them infrequently, such as for weekend sports activities or occasional workouts. Although they don’t use the mouth guard as frequently as daily users, they must still maintain hygiene to prevent bacterial growth. Here’s the recommended cleaning schedule:

  • Before and After Use: Clean your mouth guard before and after each use. This practice helps ensure that it’s free from any contaminants and ready for safe use. Rinse it thoroughly with cool water, brush it gently, and allow it to air dry before and after wearing it.
  • Deep Cleaning: Occasional users should perform a deep cleaning of their mouth guard at least once a month. This monthly deep cleaning helps eliminate any bacteria that may have accumulated during the periods of non-use. Choose a deep cleaning method such as a hydrogen peroxide bath or denture cleaning tablets to ensure a thorough cleanse.

Infrequent Users:

Infrequent users of sports mouth guards wear them very sporadically, such as for rare sports events or special occasions. While their mouth guards may not see regular use, they should still be diligent about maintenance to prevent any hygiene issues. Here’s what infrequent users should consider:

  • Before and After Use: Just like occasional users, infrequent users should clean their mouth guard before and after each use. Ensure that it’s free from dust or any contaminants before inserting it into your mouth. After use, rinse it, brush it gently, and let it air dry.
  • Deep Cleaning Before Storage: For infrequent users who store their mouth guards for extended periods between uses, it’s advisable to perform a deep cleaning before putting them away. This ensures that the mouth guard is stored in a clean and hygienic condition. Perform this deep cleaning before placing the mouth guard in its case for storage.

By adhering to these cleaning guidelines based on your usage patterns, you can maintain the cleanliness, durability, and effectiveness of your sports mouth guard. Whether you use it daily, occasionally, or infrequently, a clean mouth guard contributes to your overall oral health and ensures that you’re always ready to engage in your favorite sports and physical activities with confidence.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Cleaning your sports mouth guard is a crucial aspect of oral hygiene, but certain common mistakes can compromise its cleanliness and durability. To ensure that you’re taking proper care of your mouth guard, here are the mistakes you should avoid:

  • Using Hot WaterMistake: Exposing your sports mouth guard to hot water can be detrimental. Hot water can deform the mouth guard’s material, leading to an improper fit and reduced effectiveness.
  • Solution: Stick to using cool or lukewarm water when rinsing or cleaning your mouth guard. This temperature range is safe and won’t distort its shape.

Using Harsh Cleaners or Toothpaste

  • Mistake: Some individuals may think that using regular toothpaste or abrasive cleaners is an effective way to clean their mouth guard. However, these harsh substances can scratch the mouth guard’s surface, making it more susceptible to bacterial buildup and damage.
  • Solution: Opt for a mild, non-abrasive toothpaste specifically designed for cleaning mouth guards. Alternatively, you can use dedicated mouth guard cleaning solutions to ensure proper care without risking damage.

Neglecting Proper Storage

  • Mistake: Leaving your mouth guard exposed to the open air or tossing it into your gym bag without proper storage can lead to contamination and bacterial growth.
  • Solution: Always store your mouth guard in a clean, well-ventilated case designed for this purpose. Ventilation holes in the case allow for airflow, helping to keep the mouth guard dry and free from harmful microorganisms.

Skipping Deep Cleans

  • Mistake: Relying solely on your daily cleaning routine and neglecting periodic deep cleaning can allow bacteria to accumulate over time.
  • Solution: Incorporate regular deep cleaning into your maintenance schedule. Depending on your usage frequency, aim for deep cleaning at least once a week for daily users, once a month for occasional users, and before extended storage for infrequent users.

Using High Heat or Boiling Water

  • Mistake: Some individuals may attempt to sterilize their mouth guard by boiling it or using high heat. This can lead to severe deformation and even melt the mouth guard’s material.
  • Solution: Never expose your mouth guard to boiling water or high heat sources. It’s essential to preserve its shape and functionality.

Neglecting Regular Inspection

  • Mistake: Failing to inspect your mouth guard regularly for signs of wear and tear can lead to using a damaged guard, which can be ineffective and potentially harmful to your oral health.
  • Solution: Periodically examine your mouth guard for any visible damage, such as cracks, tears, or changes in shape. Replace it promptly if you notice any such issues, as a compromised mouth guard may not provide adequate protection.

Forgetting Daily Cleaning

  • Mistake: Skipping your daily cleaning routine can result in the accumulation of saliva, bacteria, and debris on your mouth guard, making it unsanitary and unpleasant to wear.
  • Solution: Make daily cleaning a non-negotiable part of your oral care routine. Consistency is key to maintaining a clean and hygienic mouth guard.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following proper cleaning and maintenance practices, you can ensure that your sports mouth guard remains in excellent condition, serving its purpose effectively while safeguarding your oral health.

DIY vs. Commercial Cleaners

Cleaning your sports mouth guard is essential to maintain its hygiene and extend its lifespan. When it comes to choosing between DIY cleaning solutions and commercial cleaners, you have several factors to consider. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages:

DIY Cleaning Solutions


  1. Cost-Effective: DIY cleaning solutions are generally more budget-friendly compared to commercial cleaners. Most of the ingredients for DIY solutions are readily available in your home.
  2. Control Over Ingredients: When you create your cleaning solution, you have full control over the ingredients. This means you can tailor the solution to your preferences and avoid chemicals you may be sensitive to.
  3. Environmentally Friendly: Many DIY cleaning solutions use natural ingredients, making them environmentally friendly and safer for the planet.


  1. Effectiveness Varies: The effectiveness of DIY solutions can vary depending on the ingredients and proportions used. Some DIY methods may not provide as thorough a cleanse as commercial cleaners.
  2. Limited Antiseptic Properties: DIY solutions may lack the strong antiseptic properties found in commercial mouth guard cleaners, which can make it harder to eliminate certain bacteria and germs.
  3. Time-Consuming: Preparing DIY solutions and applying them to your mouth guard can be more time-consuming compared to using a ready-made commercial cleaner.

Commercial Cleaners


  1. Specifically Designed: Commercial mouth guard cleaners are specifically formulated for the task. They are engineered to effectively disinfect and clean mouth guards, ensuring a thorough cleanse.
  2. Convenience: Commercial cleaners are ready to use, eliminating the need for any preparation or mixing. This makes them highly convenient, especially for those with busy lifestyles.
  3. Consistency: Commercial cleaners provide consistent results every time, which can be reassuring for users who want to be certain that their mouth guard is thoroughly cleaned.


  1. Cost: Commercial cleaners are typically more expensive than DIY solutions. Over time, the cost can add up, especially if you use your mouth guard frequently.
  2. Chemical Ingredients: Some commercial cleaners may contain chemicals or artificial ingredients that some individuals may be sensitive to or prefer to avoid.
  3. Environmental Impact: Commercial cleaners may have a higher environmental impact due to their manufacturing and packaging.

Choosing the Right Option

The choice between DIY and commercial cleaners ultimately depends on your preferences, priorities, and budget:

  • DIY solutions are an excellent choice for those who prefer a more natural, cost-effective approach and have the time to prepare and apply them. They work well for regular maintenance and mild cleaning needs.
  • Commercial cleaners are ideal for individuals seeking maximum convenience and consistency in cleaning. They are especially useful for deep cleaning and when you need to ensure your mouth guard is thoroughly disinfected.

It’s essential to read product labels and user reviews if you opt for a commercial cleaner to ensure it meets your specific needs and is compatible with your mouth guard material. Whichever option you choose, regular cleaning and maintenance are key to keeping your sports mouth guard clean, safe, and effective for your sports and physical activities.

Maintenance and Longevity

To ensure your sports mouth guard serves you well:

Avoid Chewing

Resist the urge to chew on your mouth guard, as it can damage it.

Regularly Inspect

Inspect your mouth guard for signs of wear and tear, and replace it if necessary.

Proper Storage

Always store your mouth guard in a well-ventilated container when not in use.


Replace your mouth guard as recommended by your dentist or when it shows signs of wear.


Maintaining a clean sports mouth guard is essential for your oral health and overall well-being. By following these cleaning guidelines and adopting a proactive approach, you can enjoy your favorite sports and activities with confidence, knowing that your mouth guard is clean and ready for action.


Q: How often should I deep clean my sports mouth guard? 

A: Deep cleaning should be done at least once a week for daily users, once a month for occasional users, and before storing for infrequent users.

Q: Can I use regular toothpaste to clean my mouth guard? 

A: It’s best to avoid regular toothpaste, as it can be abrasive. Use mild, non-abrasive toothpaste or a dedicated mouth guard cleaner.

Q: Is it necessary to replace my mouth guard, even if it looks fine? 

A: Yes, you should replace your mouth guard as recommended by your dentist or if you notice signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or changes in shape.

Q: Can I use hydrogen peroxide for daily cleaning?

A: Using hydrogen peroxide daily may be too harsh. Stick to daily rinsing and use hydrogen peroxide for periodic deep cleaning.

Q: Can I store my mouth guard in a plastic bag?

A: It’s not recommended to store your mouth guard in a plastic bag, as it may not provide proper ventilation. Use a well-ventilated container instead to prevent bacterial growth.

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